Update Mechanisms


One of bitplanet's fundamental principles is its extensibility at both the system and pixel levels. This extensibility allows for modifications ranging from minor adjustments in pixel rendering order to comprehensive system overhauls that redefine the bitplanet experience.

Pixel Updates


Participants have full control over their pixel data through a process called reinscription. Each pixel is associated with a specific satoshi (sat), and updates are made by reinscribing new data onto that sat.

Technical Details

The bitplanet system always renders the most recent valid inscription on each sat. Initial updates may be as simple as modifying a hex color code. More complex updates can incorporate:


While participants have freedom in data submission, the bitplanet system will only render updates that comply with the current protocol specifications. These specifications evolve over time, allowing for increasingly sophisticated pixel behaviors.

System Updates

Initial Phase

Singular will manage system-wide updates during the early stages of bitplanet. This centralized approach aims to:

Evolution Towards Decentralization

The long-term goal is to engage community involvement in system updates. This process may include:

Technical Implementation

System updates, like pixel updates, primarily utilize the reinscription mechanism. These updates can modify:

Community Engagement

We strongly encourage community-driven exploration and development. As the protocols mature, the community's role in shaping bitplanet's future will expand, potentially leading to:

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