Stage 1

The initial grid is interpreted and rendered by the bitplanet genesis engine, a foundational inscription (ordinal) eternally inscribed on-chain. This engine establishes the ruleset that governs the starting state of bitplanet.

The engine accounts for every pixel represented on the grid, ensuring efficiency while remaining reinscribable for future upgrades and enhancements.

The engine is extendable, upgradable, and governed by the pixels themselves. Each pixel within the grid corresponds to a unique satoshi (sat). Like other inscriptions, every pixel is ownable and tradeable. Pixel owners can update their pixel’s appearance by reinscribing a new color code.


Every sat in bitplanet has a specific coordinate within the larger grid. The grid will be released in “plots.” That is, instead of inscribing all 40,000 pixels 1-by-1, it will be distributed in n x n sub-grids (though a number of 1x1 will exist). For example, a 10x10 sub-grid composed of 100 pixels for the range [55, 60] to [64, 69] could be a starting plot. Distributing through regions facilitates an initial creative process rather than complete disarray.

Within the starting grid, a plot is determined by two rules:

  1. Sats that contain the pixel inscriptions are held in the same wallet.
  2. The pixels on these sats are adjacent to one another on the grid.

Over time, as bitplanet evolves, the rules that define a plot may change. However, genesis plots will always remain part of bitplanet’s origin story. Future changes could be as minimal as redefining grid coordinates, or as significant as a complete system overhaul.

In general, you can think of plots as sats that share a relationship with one another. The form this relationship takes in future systems will be shaped by the decisions of bitplanet participants.

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