Origins and Echoes

Back in June 2024, Singular acted as a technical curator for All At Once, a highly conceptual Ordinals show exploring the technical and cultural underpinnings of Bitcoin. We wanted to continue exploring these concepts in a fundamentally new way while drawing inspiration from pre- and post-blockchain experiments, as well as early internet history.

bitplanet is a far-reaching, evolving system but below are such works that either influenced the starting state of bitplanet or we feel are thematically aligned.

The Million Dollar Homepage

The Million Dollar Homepage (TMDH) is a website launched in 2005 by Alex Tew. It contains a 1000x1000 pixel grid where each pixel was sold for $1 in 10x10 chunks, and the proceeds were used to help fund Alex's college studies. Given its sensational success, countless derivative sites would pop up over the years. Since the advent of blockchains, there have even been a handful of Bitcoin/crypto-native or adjacent derivatives stretching as far back as 2011.

TMDH serves as the inspiration for the starting state of bitplanet.

Within Bitcoin and crypto, some TMDH derivatives and parallels can be seen in:

To read more about past extensions of TMDH, see Justin Higgins' excellent thread here.


With All At Once, one thing that stood out to us was that reinscriptions were still a nascent side of the Ordinals protocol and what can be done with it. Below are some of our favorite uses of reinscriptions up to this point.


Previous: Introduction | Next: Stage 1